Kumpulan Sajak Bahasa Sunda Perpisahan Sakola
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A Collection of Sundanese Poems About School Farewell
School farewell is a moment that many students experience with mixed feelings. On one hand, they are happy to graduate and move on to the next stage of their lives. On the other hand, they are sad to leave behind their friends, teachers, and memories. Some students express their emotions through writing poems in their native language. In this article, we will share some examples of Sundanese poems about school farewell that will touch your heart.
What is Sundanese?
Sundanese is a language spoken by about 40 million people in the western part of Java island in Indonesia. It is the second most widely spoken language in Indonesia after Indonesian. Sundanese has a rich literary tradition that dates back to the 14th century. Sundanese poetry is known for its beauty, simplicity, and emotion.
Examples of Sundanese Poems About School Farewell
Here are some examples of Sundanese poems about school farewell that we have collected from various sources . We have also provided the English translation for each poem.
"Paturay" by Muhammad Rifqy S. Suhardiman
Poem in Sundanese:
Icikibung di sakola nu lawasna tilu taun..
Ayeuna tinggal ngitung waktu..
Milang lengkah..
Urang bakal papisah..
Sanes wungkul sareng babaturan,
Oge bapak ibu guru…
anu parantos masihan elmu,
Ka sim kuring tur ka batur-batur sadulur,
Duh, bapa, ibu guru anu ku simkuring di gugu..
Hapunten anu kasuhun..
Tina laku lampah, nu teu merenah..
Tina kirang ngabagjakeun hate harita!
Mung anu utamina ayeuna…
Sagala papatah, mangrupi amanah,
tur sadaya kanyaah..
Bakal teras aya dina manah..
Sim kuring, nu bakal miang..
Poem in English:
We have been at school for three years..
Now we only count the time..
Leaving steps..
We will part ways..
Not only with friends,
But also with our teachers…
who have given us knowledge,
To me and to all my siblings,
Oh, father, mother teacher whom I respect..
Forgive me for what I have done wrong..
From my actions, that were not good..
From my lack of sharing my heart then!
Only one thing now…
All your words, are a trust,
and all your kindness..
Will always be in my heart..
I, who will leave..
This poem expresses the gratitude and apology of a student to his teachers who have taught him for three years. He also acknowledges that he will miss them and remember them in his heart.
"Buku milu nyaksian paturay urang" by Kustian
Poem in Sundanese:
Buku, Pulpen, Hurup-hurup,
Jadi kecap, Jadi kalimah
Jadi catetan….
Angka-Angka milu nyaksian
urang sasarengan diajar di sakola
Bungah jeung gumbira
diajar ku guru nu dipikacinta
Paturay tuluy ngamalirkeun
herang cimata
Ka muara-muara du’a
Mugia jadi mimiti
urang ngudag cita-cita
Nu ngabugang dina mangsa ka hareup
Poem in English:
Book, Pen, Letters,
Become words, Become sentences
Become notes….
Numbers also witness
us together learning at school
Happy and joyful
taught by the beloved teacher
Farewell then makes
tears flow
To the end of prayers
May it be the beginning
of us pursuing our dreams
That will blossom in the future time
This poem describes how the student's learning journey at school is recorded by the book, pen, letters, and numbers. He also expresses his happiness and joy of being taught by his beloved teacher. He hopes that his farewell will be the start of his dream fulfillment.
"Kenangan" by Lisda Maharani
Poem in Sundanese:
Poé nu ditunggu-tunggu geus datang
Waktosna kanggo ngantunkeun sadaya kenangan
Kenangan urang babarengan
Pasti sanés hal anu gampang
Tapi éta pasamoan
Pasamoan urang tos réngsé kudu papisah sorangan
Enggal pisan lulus
Rasana siga Hirap
Kasedih anu ayeuna dirasakeun
Angin nu ngahiliwir ngaliwat sanggeus éta
Saolah-olah noél jiwa nu leungit
Hatur nuhun ka rerencangan pikeun sakabéh perhatian
Meureun ieu takdir urang papisah
Meureun isukan bakal ngan ukur kenangan
Kuring salawasna miharep anjeun sukses.
Poem in English:
The day that we have been waiting for has come
The time to entrust all our memories
Memories of us together
Surely not an easy thing
But that's the fate
The fate that we have to part ways alone
Soon we will graduate
It feels like a Struggle
The sadness that we feel now
The wind that blows after that
As if it takes away our soul that is lost
Thank you to the committee for all your attention
Maybe this is our destiny to part ways
Maybe this will only be a memory later
I always hope you succeed.
This poem conveys the feeling of a student who is facing his school farewell day. He thanks the committee for organizing the event and wishes his friends success in the future. He also expresses his sadness and struggle to let go of his memories.
"Pileuleuyan Ibu Bapa Guru" by Rina Nuraeni
Poem in Sundanese:
Pileuleuyan bu..
Pileuleuyan pa..
Sanes weleh di damping di aping ku ibu
Sanes bendu di didik di atik ku bapa
Mung ieu wancina abdi ngumbara
Milari elmu ka sakola nu leuwih luhur
6 taun nyuprih elmu sareng ibu kalih bapa
Rupina seeur atikan sareng pangajaran nu dipibanda
Pileuleuyan ibu
Pileuleuyan bapa
Mugia panjang yuswa kanggo teras baktos ka nagara
Mugia sehat salwasna
Pahlawan abdi sadaya
Poem in English:
Farewell mom..
Farewell dad..
No longer be accompanied by mom's side
No longer be educated by dad's heart
Only this time I wander
Chasing knowledge to a higher school
6 years receiving knowledge with mom and dad
The result is a clear mind with the lessons given
Farewell mom
Farewell dad
May you have a long life to continue serving the nation
May you be healthy always
My heroes all
This poem expresses the gratitude and farewell of a student to his teachers who have been like his parents for six years. He calls them his heroes and prays for their well-being and service.
"Stream Kumpulan Sajak Bahasa Sunda Perpisahan Sakola [REPACK] by ErunZalyu on SoundCloud" by ErunZalyu
Poem in Sundanese:
Kumpulan Sajak Bahasa Sunda Perpisahan Sakola [REPACK] by ErunZalyu
Sajak 1: "Paturay Tineung" oleh ErunZalyu
Paturay tineung
Kata-kata nu ngahiris
Kata-kata nu ngalenyapkeun
Kata-kata nu ngagugurkeun
Kata-kata nu ngaluluhkeun
Paturay tineung
Kata-kata nu ngahontal
Kata-kata nu ngahilapkeun
Kata-kata nu ngahancurkeun
Kata-kata nu ngalukaheun
Paturay tineung
Kata-kata nu ngabawa kuring ka leungeun
Kata-kata nu ngabawa kuring ka gulana
Kata-kata nu ngabawa kuring ka kahirupan anyar
Kata-kata nu ngabawa kuring ka cita-cita
Sajak 2: "Pileuleuyan" oleh ErunZalyu
Pileuleuyan ka sadaya anu parantos jadi bagian ti kahirupan kuring
Pileuleuyan ka sadaya anu parantos jadi saksi ti perjalanan kuring
Pileuleuyan ka sadaya anu parantos jadi pendorong ti semangat kuring
Pileuleuyan ka sadaya anu parantos jadi pamekar ti cinta kuring
Pileuleuyan sanajan teu weleh papisah dina raga
Pileuleuyan sanajan teu weleh papisah dina pikiran
Pileuleuyan sanajan teu weleh papisah dina ati
Pileuleuyan sanajan teu weleh papisah dina jiwa
Sajak 3: "Lulus" oleh ErunZalyu
Bukan akhir dari segalanya
Bukan pula awal dari kehampaan
Bukan juga titik dari kegagalan
Bukan pula garis dari keberhasilan
Hanyalah sebuah proses dari pembelajaran
Hanyalah sebuah tahap dari perubahan
Hanyalah sebuah langkah dari perjuangan
Hanyalah sebuah jembatan dari pencapaian
Poem in English:
A Collection of Sundanese Poems About School Farewell [REPACK] by ErunZalyu
Poem 1: "Farewell Tears" by ErunZalyu
Farewell tears
Words that end
Words that disappear
Words that drop
Words that hurt
Farewell tears
Words that stab
Words that fade
Words that destroy
Words that wound
Farewell tears
Words that take me to the distance
Words that take me to the wilderness
Words that take me to a new life
Words that take me to my dreams
Poem 2: "Farewell" by ErunZalyu
Farewell to all who have been part of my life
Farewell to all who have been witnesses of my journey
Farewell to all who have been motivators of my spirit
Farewell to all who have been makers of my love
Farewell even though we never part in body
Farewell even though we never part in mind
Farewell even though we never part in heart
Farewell even though we never part in soul
Poem 3: "Graduate" by ErunZalyu
Not the end of everything
Not the beginning of emptiness
Not the point of failure
Not the line of success
Just a process of learning
Just a stage of change
Just a step of struggle
Just a bridge of achievement
This poem is actually a collection of three poems by a SoundCloud user named ErunZalyu. The poems are about school farewell, farewell tears, and graduation. The poems are written in Sundanese and translated into English. The poems express the feelings of sadness, pain, hope, and gratitude for the school time.
"Contoh Puisi Perpisahan Sekolah Bahasa Sunda untuk Guru yang Sedih, Singkat dan Menyentuh Hati" by Masagipedia
Poem in Sundanese:
Contoh Puisi Perpisahan Sekolah Bahasa Sunda untuk Guru yang Sedih, Singkat dan Menyentuh Hati
Rina Nuraeni - Minggu, 5 Juni 2022 | 20:41 WIB
Contoh puisi perpisahan sekolah bahasa Sunda untuk guru. (unsplash/Aaron Burden)
Masagipedia.com - Berikut adalah kumpulan puisi perpisahan sekolah bahasa Sunda untuk guru dan kepala sekolah yang sedih menyentuh hati dan penuh haru.
Penyampaian puisi perpisahan sekolah bahasa Sunda untuk guru bisa disampaikan saat acara pentas seni sebagai bagian dari ungkapan terima kasih atas jasa-jasa guru baik perpisahan sekolah kelas 6 SD, kelas 9 SMP maupun kelas 12 SMA.
Puisi perpisahan sekolah ini cocok dijadikan caption di berbagai sosial media seperti Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok dan lainnya.
Baca Juga: Lirik Lagu Sapu Nyere Pegat Simpay (Ririungan) dan Artinya, Lagu untuk Perpisahan Sekolah
Inilah kumpulan puisi perpisahan sekolah bahasa Sunda untuk guru singkat, sedih dan menyentuh hati.
Puisi perpisahan sekolah bahasa Sunda untuk guru ke 1
Guru Kameumeut Urang
Karya: Rina Nuraeni (masagipedia.com)
Anjeun lir ibarat lampu
Nyaangan kanu poekeun
Keur leumpang dina kahirupan
Mapay alam nu pinuh patanyaan
Pimanaeun teuing abdi ngabales
Kudu kunaon teuing ngaganti sagala kasaean ibu kalih bapa
Hampura kuring sareng rerencangan
Nu teu weleh pikasebeleun jeung carekaneun
Puisi perpisahan sekolah bahasa Sunda untuk guru ke 2
Pileuleuyan Ibu Bapa Guru
Karya: Rina Nuraeni (masagipedia.com)
Pileuleuyan bu..
Pileuleuyan pa..
Sanes weleh di damping di aping ku ibu
Sanes bendu di didik di atik ku bapa
Mung ieu wancina abdi ngumbara
Milari elmu ka sakola nu leuwih luhur
6 taun nyuprih elmu sareng ibu kalih bapa
Rupina seeur atikan sareng pangajaran nu dipibanda
Pileuleuyan ibu
Pileuleuyan bapa
Mugia panjang yuswa kanggo teras baktos ka nagara
Mugia sehat salwasna
Pahlawan abdi sadaya
Poem in English:
Examples of Sundanese Poems About School Farewell for Teachers who are Sad, Short and Touching Hearts
Rina Nuraeni - Sunday, June 5, 2022 | 20:41 WIB
Examples of Sundanese poems about school farewell for teachers. (unsplash/Aaron Burden)
Masagipedia.com - Here are some Sundanese poems about school farewell for teachers and principals who are sad, touching and full of emotion.
The delivery of Sundanese poems about school farewell for teachers can be delivered during a performance art event as part of expressing gratitude for the services of teachers both school farewell grade 6 elementary school, grade 9 junior high school and grade 12 high school.
This school farewell poem is suitable to be used as a caption on various social media such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok and others.
Read Also: Lyrics of Sapu Nyere Pegat Simpay (Ririungan) and Its Meaning, Song for School Farewell
Here are some Sundanese poems about school farewell for teachers who are short, sad and touching.
Sundanese poem about school farewell for teacher no. 1
Teacher Our Beloved One
By: Rina Nuraeni (masagipedia.com)
You are like a lamp
Lighting up those who are darkened
For passing through life
Entering a world full of questions
How can I repay you
What can I do to replace all the kindness of mom and dad
Forgive me and the committee
Who never appreciate and respect you
Sundanese poem about school farewell for teacher no. 2
Farewell Mom Dad Teacher
By: Rina Nuraeni (masagipedia.com)
Farewell mom..
Farewell dad..
No longer be accompanied by mom's side
No longer be educated by dad's heart
Only this time I wander
Chasing knowledge to a higher school
6 years receiving knowledge with mom and dad
The result is a clear mind with the lessons given
Farewell mom
Farewell dad
May you have a long life to continue serving the nation
May you be healthy always
My heroes all
This poem is actually a collection of two poems by a Masagipedia writer named Rina Nuraeni. The poems are about school farewell for teachers and principals who are sad and touching. The poems are written in Sundanese and translated into English. The poems express gratitude, farewell, and admiration for the teachers who have been like parents.
In this article, we have seen some examples of Sundanese poems about school farewell for different audiences and purposes. These poems are written by various authors and sources, and they reflect the feelings and thoughts of the students who are leaving their school, friends, and teachers. The poems also show the richness and beauty of the Sundanese language and culture.
School farewell is a moment that is both happy and sad, as it marks the end of one chapter and the beginning of another in life. Writing or reading poems can be a way to express and cope with the emotions that come with farewell. We hope that this article has inspired you to write your own poems or appreciate the ones that have been written by others. 4aad9cdaf3